I spent a week just outside London for work to support a multi-nation cooperative program. I was able to do some sight seeing over the weekends before and after our meetings. Most of that time was spent in London seeing all there was to see there. On our last day we drove to Stonehenge, Bath, and Windsor.

On Sunday, Dan and I rode the Tube across London to go check out the Tower Bridge and the Tower of London.

Outside wall of the Tower of London.

The Tower Bridge over the River Thames

One of the towers of the bridge.

A view from the walkway between the towers. The HMS Belfast is docked with a more modern ship tied up to it.

This is City Hall, directly across the river from the Tower of London.

The Tower of London, and the strange looking Swiss RE Tower in the background.

After walking through the Tower Bridge, we went into the Tower of London.

One of the Yeoman Warder guards walking out under the portcalis.

The Tower Green. This is where the Tower's most famous prisoners were kept. Many famous beheadings were performed here as well.

The White Tower was begun in the reign of William the Conqueror (1066-1087).

Walking along one of the outer defense walls.